Fabergé Eggs on stamps (voor Nederlands klik hier)

Searching the internet for info on Fabergé, I found Fabergé Eggs on stamps!
Those images I put on this page. Sources at the bottom of the page.


Fabergé Stamps

A series of Russian poststamps, issued in 1995

Fabergé Egg Fabergé Egg
Left the 1910 Alexander III Equestrian Egg and right the 1909 Standart Egg Russia 1995

Fabergé Egg

The 1906 Moscow Kremlin Egg, Russia 1995

Fürstentum Liechtenstein

EggsEggs Eggs

Besides Imperial Eggs, Fabergé made other Easter Eggs too. On the above Liechtenstein 2001 stamps three Eggs are shown from the collection of mr. Adulf Peter Goop, owner of the Kelch Apple Blossom Egg. Visit the website to see some magnificent First Day Covers!


In 1988 Finland hosted an international stamp exhibition from June 1 to 12 in Helsinki. Its special stamp issued honors Agathon Faberge.

Finlandia 88

Agathon Faberge was the grandson of the founder of the House of Fabergé Gustav and son of Karl Fabergé. Together with his three brothers he worked for and with his father.

His appreciation for objects d'art extended to rugs, china, jade, vases, engravings, goblets and stamps. The later interest is captured on the above sheetlet from Finland which shows a likeness of Agathon Faberge and stamps from his famous collection. Agathon Fabergé owned the most famous and best stamp collection in Russia, legendary among the collectors. (Interested in more about Agathon Fabergé and his stamps, visit this great website - link).

Finlandia 1988
Entrance ticket for the Finlandia Exhibition (Source Ebay)

First day cover
First Day Cover Source: .starsoft.fi/jari/philately (Link no longer valid)

*Update May 2017: The 100th anniversary of Finland’s independence was celebrated at the Finlandia 2017 philatelic exhibition that took place May 24-28 in Tampere, Finland, by Finland’s post office, Posti, issuing several new stamps, including a booklet with a souvenir sheet honoring the exhibition and Agathon Faberge (1876-1951). The sheet contains a single stamp picturing Mr. Faberge and some of the rarities of Finnish philately. More philatelic items are shown on two labels in the sheet.

Almost 30 years ago, in 1988, the FINLANDIA 88 exhibition ticket was used as a postage stamp issued by Post. The booklet presents one of the most famous Finnish philately collectors, Agathon Fabergé (1876-1951). He was a Russian-born goldsmith and philatelist who well after the Russian Revolution flew to Finland. The original Agathon Fabergé booklet was used as entry ticket at Finlandia 1988. The newly printed booklet, with three stamps with the denomination for the domestic postage, is sold for the 30 € booklet.

Finland Agathon Fabergé 2017
Above: The 2017 version. Euro 5,00 is crossed through, something white in the upper right corner is added to the picture of Agathon Fabergé and on the right the date 2017 can be seen under the small bluish Fabergé Egg. (Courtesy Finish Post)

Winter Egg

The 1913 Winter Egg. Issued by the Finnish Post at the occasion of their 150 years existence. Click the picture to see more details. Finland 2005. Updated February 26, 2010.

sources: (unfortunately some links are no longer valid. I keep these links on this page as a "thank you" to the original posters of the images)

First Day Cover Finlandia 1988 Source: starsoft.fi/jari/philately (Link no longer valid)

https://www.pwz.li/ (look for 2001)
http://puoti.pmk.posti.fi/cgi-bin/ncommerce3/ExecMacro/idx.d2w/report?kieli=e&merchant=222 (Links no longer valid)

And these, the two with the Kelch Appleblossom Egg here below, I bought in Vaduz Liechtenstein when I was there in 2011 to finally see the Egg. What a beauty that Egg is! The stamps are stamped with the date 14 March 2011.

Kelch Appleblossom Egg

Liechtenstein Fabergé Stamps

Update 2016. As there are now so many countries issuing stamps with Fabergé Eggs, and there are even countries where you can make your own custom post stamps by using your own images (Netherlands, Austria), this page will no longer be updated*. (With exception of the Finlandia 2017 Agathon Fabergé edition).

Faberge Egg StampsMieks Fabergé Stamps
See how nice. My own Faberge stamps!

Just Google-image-search for "Faberge Eggs on Stamps" and you will find all the stamps there are! For now a last one because I like it sooooo much! With thanks to Claudia from Germany!


Deze pagina is voornamelijk in de Engelse taal. Er is immers meer te zien dan te lezen. Kort door de bocht, Rusland en Finland hebben in het verleden speciale Fabergé postzegels uitgegeven. Liechtenstein heeft zijn beroemde landgenoot Peter Goop geëerd met een serie zegels met afbeeldingen van de beroemde Goop paasei collectie. Na het overlijden van de heer Goop is die collectie per testament geschonken aan de staat Liechtenstein. (Zie het 1901 Kelch Appelbloesem Ei voor meer informatie over het beroemste paasei uit deze Goop collectie!)

Deze pagina wordt niet langer geupdate* omdat het nu ook mogelijk is om persoonlijke postzegels te maken, onder andere in Oostenrijk en Nederland. Je kunt de zegels zien die ik zelf heb gemaakt bij Post.nl!

*Een uitzondering hierop is de heruitgave van de Agathon Fabergé set ter gelegenheid van de viering van de 100-jarige onafhankelijkheid van Finland.

Als afsluiter van deze pagina een postzegel uit Burundi omdat ik die zo prachtig mooi vind!


Page Updated: January 6, 2019